EMBRYO ...... EYE ...... STEP ...... HAND ...... MOUTH
KISS ...... PANTHER ...... BALANCE ...... REST ...... KEY
FORCE ...... REVOLUTION ...... SLEEP ...... SOUL
MEANING ...... ANCHOR ...... STAIRS ...... COBRA
SUN ...... STAR ...... TRINITY ...... BEETLE ...... WAVE
...... FREEDOM ...... LIFE

Figurative element:
Embryo, the still unborn and already living. The fertilised egg.
The readiness to begin that precedes the first step.
The potential beginning, a prerequisite for any real beginning.
Initiating impulse that precedes every activity. Without own duration, is always to be called into being anew.
Cosmological: the timeless before the Big Bang, the existing before time and space.
Number and quantity:
UNITY. The unity at rest in itself, before the countable multiplicity. The only indivisible before the infinity of the divisible, the atom of multiplicity. All qualities are contained in unity, which later unfold in quantities, patterns and cycles. Each subsequent number is a play form of unity. All patterns of their combinations are variants of the potentiality of unity.
First element in the triad of abilities of the elementary level (1, 2, 3). Analogue to 10 in the mental level and 19 in the cosmic level (with the same cross sum, position and core quality). 10 = 1 + 0 = 1; 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1.
Be ready to start!

Figurative element:
Seeing eye, archeogram for waking and perceiving in every form. Hieroglyph SIGHT and DOING.
Perceiving: outer and inner senses: seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, thinking, sensing, emotions.
Overall ability to perceive. Prerequisite for this: Alertness.
Perception is a prerequisite for consciousness and creativity. Perception connects the perceiving with the perceived: Subject with object. To the ego, a counterpart. The beginning of duality. With apparent pairs of opposites: good/bad, light/dark, above/below
The all-connecting principle in elementary life enables the active element (1) to give impulses to the passive/receiving element (3) and the latter to react to them.
Number and quantity:
TWO. The duality, the antipodes. The tension between them forms the first line. Duality. Doubling/Reflection of the unity that recognises itself in the opposite. The universe: literally the facing.
Second element in the triad of abilities of the elementary level (1, 2, 3). Connecting force. Analogue to 11 in the mental plane and 20 in the cosmic plane (with the same cross sum and position).
Pay attention to perceive! Be awake!

Figurative element:
Walking legs, hieroglyph for movement.
Movement: physical movement, mental movement, spiritual movement. Change of location, growth, fertility, development.
The dimension of time in space. Movement is the sum and consequence of the first two elements. Every action is movement. Breathing is movement. Thinking is movement. Growth is movement. Remembering moves the past into the now. Expecting is a form of remembering.
The trinity plays a special role in all traditions. It forms a new active unity. Trinity from the interaction of three principles: active - reactive/receiving - mediating/creative.
All good things come in threes. Faith / love / hope. The beautiful / true / good.
Number and quantity:
THREE. The trinity. With three different impulses that interact to create a dynamic new unity. First impulse: active, transmitter. Second impulse: receptive, receiver. Third impulse: unifying. Shape: the triangle, three points define the surface.
Third element in the triad of abilities of the elementary level (1, 2, 3). Analogue to 12 in the mental plane and 21 in the cosmic plane (with the same cross sum, position and core quality).
The passive, accepting principle in elemental life.